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Jelajah Ilmu Advocating Merdeka Kurikulum to Transform Education Through Technology in Indonesia

Blog published on August 13, 2023

About Merdeka Kurikulum

Merdeka Kurikulum is an education module introduced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia to transform education through technology. This innovative curriculum brings about a shift from rigid teaching methods to prioritise critical thinking, creativity, problem solving abilities and character development among students. It emphasises on moving from memorisation and exam-focused education practices towards a more experiential and inquiry based approach. Through Merdeka Kurikulum students are provided with diverse and flexible learning experiences that allow them to develop critical competencies.

Technology integration in the Merdeka Kurikulum is pivotal as it acknowledges how technology can revolutionise education. This curriculum aims to utilise technology as a tool for enhancing teaching and learning experiences by making them more interactive, dynamic and aligned with the personalised requirements of students.  Technology integration serves as an engine for upgrading the educational system while offering learners the tools necessary to flourish in the modern digital age. Through the application of technology, this curriculum strives to boost students’ creativity and learning outcomes, ultimately preparing them for future success.

With this curriculum, teachers have the flexibility to choose from a variety of teaching materials, and personalise the learning experience to specific student’s requirements and interests. The curriculum’s key goal is to include empowering schools to regulate education in accordance with their requirements, developing highly skilled and competitive human resources, and strengthening the overall education system in Indonesia.

Jelajah Ilmu Advocating Merdeka Kurikulum

The implementation of Merdeka Kurikulum involves a strategic approach that places a high emphasis on leveraging innovation and technology to transform the education landscape. The main objective of this is to make education accessible to all and to establish an effective learning environment.

Jelajah Ilmu is an online academic delivery platform that is equipped with customised functionalities designed to enhance offline and online teaching, learning, monitoring, and comprehensive school administration. With the innovative technology and pedagogical features, our platform enables teachers and school leaders to align their academic delivery practices as per the principles of Merdeka Kurikulum.

In collaboration with Acer Indonesia, our platform has already played a significant role in enhancing the academic achievement of students in hundreds of Madrasahs across Aceh Province enabling smart learning for students. With a diverse collection of interactive eBooks from Penerbit Intan Pariwara, schools, teachers and students can access learning materials at any time regardless of the geographical location. This accessibility ensures that education reaches to every individual student in Indonesia aligning perfectly with the core principle of accessibility through technology advocated by the Merdeka Kurikulum.

Our platform with its versatile features and technology facilitate teachers to schedule and conduct online and offline sessions, track and manage attendance, give assignments and receive submissions, conduct knowledge assessments, share learning contents, create groups to provide personalised teaching and access individual student’s data to supervise their academic journey. Side by side, school leaders, with the availability of data, can gain comprehensive insights into the learning stages and teaching activities of students and teachers respectively ensuring informed decision making.

Hence, Jelajah Ilmu is the embodiment of Merdeka Kurikulum’s vision for the education transformation through technology. By offering innovative features and widening access to educational resources, our platform not only improves the quality of education but also plays an important role in shaping a brighter and more competitive future for the students in Indonesia.

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