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The Benefits of eBooks for Interactive Learning

News published on 14 November, 2024

The availability of online learning has been a popular alternative among thousands of students. As online learning becomes more popular, interactive eBooks are gradually replacing traditional textbooks, offering students an engaging and flexible way to learn. Resources such as interactive e-Books have become a favored substitute for traditional textbooks, offering enhanced learning experiences through interactive features like bookmarking, audio readability, and note-taking.

How Interactive eBooks Improve Learning

The growing popularity of eBooks has made learning more accessible and convenient for students. In today’s world, knowledge is constantly evolving, whether through new research, new curriculums, or technological breakthroughs. With eBooks, these updates can be integrated regularly, ensuring that learners access the most current information, without delays or costs associated with traditional textbook versions. However, the most valuable feature of eBooks is that the learners can access multiple books through a single device. These conveniences create a better learning experience for students and a more effective teaching tool for educators.

Educational institutions all around the world have started incorporating eBooks into their curriculum to increase student engagement, as well as promote interactive learning experiences. Interactive eBooks encourage active participation with fun learning elements. Instead of passively studying, students can benefit from features like scribbling, note-taking, bookmarking and audio reading. Likewise, teachers can also highlight and provide important notes in the eBook content itself. This allows teachers to provide personalised and necessary information to further help student’s learning. Moreover, the real-time feedback offered by these features enhances learning by enabling students to immediately apply their knowledge and correct mistakes, fostering a more hands-on approach to learning.

With students and institutions recognising the value of eBooks for interactive learning, the eBook market is projected to grow from $18 billion in 2023 to $29.9 billion by 2033. This growth reflects the increasing adoption of eBooks in both educational and personal learning environments. Regions like Asia, particularly countries such as Indonesia, have seen notable growth in the sector driven by the demand for digital learning tools.

Use of eBooks in Indonesian Schools

After the introduction of the Merdeka Kurikulum, an initiative to promote interactive learning in Indonesia, the utilisation of eBooks has seen a significant increase over the years. In Indonesia, these eBooks have enabled students to access lessons in an interactive format while blending traditional learning with advanced technology.

One platform leading this transformation is Jelajah Ilmu, which partners with over 7,000 schools and reaches more than 90,000 students to deliver a more effective learning experience through their digital learning resources. With a vast collection of 3,000+ eBooks, Jelajah Ilmu enables students to explore lessons in an interactive format, ultimately helping students learn better with high retention rates. The teachers of these partnered schools can easily give eBook assignments and track their academic progress. The features of this platform aim to provide blended structural learning material with interactive elements that allow both students and teachers to engage in a beneficial learning and teaching process.

With rapidly emerging platforms like Jelajah Ilmu, mySecondTeacher and, schools and educational institutions must carefully consider partnering with platforms that offer interactive elements while still maintaining a strong foundation for traditional education principles and curriculum standards. The impact of a good online learning platform reflects improved student engagement along with a retention rate of knowledge through interacting elements, better flexibility in learning, and more personalised learning experiences that align with diverse learning needs.

Online Learning Platform Indonesia

The Future of eBooks

The future of eBooks is continuing to grow along with innovation and change in the publishing industry. New technologies demand an evolution in the way books are used for learning and assessments. Technological advancements in Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and advanced multimedia integrations are set to make eBooks more engaging, providing personalised learning paths, real-time feedback, and collaborative opportunities for students and educators.

In this evolving educational landscape, platforms like Jelajah Ilmu are already leading the way by combining traditional educational methods with digital tools. With the rapid adoption of eBooks in schools, particularly in countries like Indonesia, the future of education seems to be digital, flexible, and accessible. As more educational institutions embrace these platforms, we can expect to see a shift towards a more personalised and dynamic approach to learning that meets the diverse needs of students and prepares them for the challenges of tomorrow.