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Jelajah Ilmu as a digital academic delivery partner in Acer Edu Tech and ASSA 2023

News published on 10 September, 2023

Acer Indonesia in collaboration with Jelajah Ilmu as their digital academic delivery partner, has announced the launch of their annual event “Acer Edu Tech 2023” which will be held in Surabaya in December 2023. The highlight of the event is the Acer Smart School Awards (ASSA), a prestigious national recognition award ceremony aimed to honor and celebrate school leaders and teachers who are eager to implement technological transformation in the world of education.

About Acer Edu Tech 2023

The annual event, Acer Edu Tech 2023, is a step to encourage technological development for the advancement of education in Indonesia. With the theme “Becoming an Effective Teacher in the Era of Artificial Intelligence”, the event aims to act as a catalyst for digital transformation. It strives to motivate leaders, educators, and learners to understand essential principles of AI and stay up-to-date with the latest trends, all while effortlessly integrating AI into the educational environment.

This educational seminar will be presented by speakers: Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., M.B.A., M.Phil., M.A, as Director of SLCC PB PGRI; and Prof. Dr. Hj. Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah, M.Ag, as Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology for the 2020-2022 period / Head of the Library of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya for the 2022-2026 period.

Leny Ng, Chief Operating Officer of Acer Indonesia, said, “Acer Indonesia is committed to the progress of the world of education in Indonesia. Through Edu Tech 2023 with a focus on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we want to encourage educators and students to understand the basic concepts and latest trends in AI. This will have a special impact on the application of AI technology in educational contexts.”

About ASSA 2023

Acer Smart School Awards (ASSA) 2023 extends its reach to encompass diverse educational tiers, including both public schools and madrasas, from elementary schools/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah to middle schools/Tsanawiyah Madrasah, as well as high schools/Madrasah Aliyah, and vocational schools/Madrasah Aliyah. Registrations for the ASSA 2023 are open till 30 September 2023 for all teachers and principals; the award winner announcement will take place in December 2023, on the main event day of Acer Edu Tech 2023. To register for the Acer Smart School Awards 2023, visit

Herbet Ang, President Director of Acer Indonesia shared, “ASSA 2023 is focused on developing the quality of educators which is a key factor in improving the overall quality of education through the application of technology. We hope that ASSA 2023 plays a role in creating a superior generation for the nation.”

The nomination categories for ASSA 2023 include “Inspiring Principal,” “Creative Teacher,” and the “Exploring Science Award” for school leaders and teachers. Each of these categories must meet the smart school principles outlined by the 2023 Acer Smart School Awards. The general assessment criteria include key areas such as Planning and Implementing School Digital Transformation, Learning Resource Management, Teacher Information and Digital Literacy, Access to Information for Parents and Students, Behavior towards Digital Culture, Evaluation and Development of Student Capabilities, and Information Technology Governance. In addition to these categories, Acer has introduced a special award for this year’s event, known as the “Explore Science Award”. Leaders and Teachers who have successfully integrated the Jelajah Ilmu platform at their schools or madrasahs will be presented with this award.

The responsibility for overseeing the transformational implementation and evaluation falls to esteemed figures within the education sector. This panel of experts includes Prof. Dr. Unifah Rosyidi, M.Pd, as General Chairperson of PB PGRI; Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., M.B.A., M.Phil., M.A, as Director of SLCC PB PGRI, Prof. Ir. Tian Belawati, M.Ed, Ph.D., Professor of the Jakarta Open University, Fransisca Maya, S.P., M.B.A. as Head of Marketing Acer Indonesia, and Ir. Rudijanto, M.A. as Vice Operational President of PT Intan Pariwara.

The successful execution of ASSA 2023 has been supported by key entities, including the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), the Ministry of Religion, the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI), Intan Pariwara Publishers, and Jelajah Ilmu. Notable contributions to ASSA 2023 have also been made by Intel and Hilo, among other supportive parties.

To watch recordings of Acer Edu Tech 2023 seminars and events, as well as the Acer Smart School Awards 2023, kindly go to Acer Indonesia’s YouTube channel or visit the Acer Indonesia website by following the link:

For media inquiries, please contact:

Riti Subba
Advanced Pedagogy
Marketing Lead